Giordano have you read the diary?
In the first pages and throughout the diary we are informed of the need to remain silent, particularly during the day as employees in the factory downstairs were not to be trusted, and were not in on the secret of those in hiding. So noice clearly did matter. And yet everyday at 1130 they vacuumed with a 1940s vacuuming cleaner. Well even Otto Frank when challenged on this fact had to admit it was absurd.
Now how about the building they were hiding in being sold,and a surveyor coming round to value the property. and yet neither the new purchaser not the surveyor were interested in looking in the " secret annex"which was on the plans. This is something that should be challenged, because it makes for suspense in a story, but it is also very odd the surveyor and purchaser of the building were not interested in seeing the secret annex.
My comments are based on my having read the book.
Why do you think to mention Otto Frank's contribution to the book, is to discredit the holocaust? Particularly as " Otto Frank" in 2016 has been credited with co-authorship by the publishers and " The Anne Frank foundation". And Having read The Death Brigade, by Leon Wells, I know the holocaust was real. Furthermore I have known holocaust survivors, and I would have no problem voicing my opinion about the diary with them, were they today in good health and alive.
The Rebel.